To lose inches, you
need to dedicate yourself to 4 days per week, walking at a heartrate-raising pace of about 3.5 miles per hour average. Map
out your favorite part of town or visit the local high school track or nature trail and get moving! Use uphill
and backward walks to stimulate your body and mind along the way. Change will keep the walks exciting!
If your walks don't feel challenging enough.....use Hand Weights...Weights of 1-3 pounds canhelp you burn calories if you work your arms vigorously. Be
sure to avoid shoulder injury by limiting these weights to every other day and keep elbows bent with controlled movement,
don't swing arms. This will give you
a varied work-out, which keeps the body and metabolism challenged, which in turn burns more calories.
Add tougher terrain. Walking up hill, down hill, backwards or over rocky terrain will increase your heart rate. Cross railroad tracks?
Walk over the rocky parts. Go through the woods? Cross up and over some fallen logs. On a boring straight?
Fast walk (fast as you can) for 30 seconds then slow down for 1 to 1.5 minutes to keep your heart rate burning high, then
medium for added calorie burn. Even skip (like a kid) for a heartrate raising activity. Hop/skip sideways to work
the inner and outer thighs for a chance of pace, and to challenge new muscles.