Walk It Off! Walking Program

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Treadmill Walking Routine


Important Note:  The speeds on this routine apply to the averages, so if you have longer or shorter than average legs, your speed adjustments should vary to meet your stride requirements.  The best way to measure the  correct adjustment is to first test the routine at the suggested speed, and if to fast or too slow, adjust accordingly, following the level of changes in speed and incline level.  You should be working between 70%-80% of your ideal exercise heart rate.  E-mail me if you want help with adjustments.

This 30-minute walking workout tones and strengthens the hamstrings, quads and glutes (legs & butt). 
Treadmill tips: 
  • Don't hold the rails of your treadmill.  Pump your arms and squeeze your butt with each step
  • Take longer strides with lower speeds on the high inclines; shorter, faster steps on the declines.  This will work all leg muscles.
  • Walk backward at 2.0 (or a comfortable speed) once in a while to work the front of your leg.
This routine will burn approximately 250 calories in 30 minutes.
Stay within your target fat burning heart rate of 70-80% for the most fat-burning benefit, adjusting your speeds as necessary.
Minute                      Speed                   Incline
0-3                                3.0                           0
3-5                                3.4                           1
5-7                                3.5                           3
7-10                              3.7                           1
10-11                            3.4                           6
11-16                            3.6                           0
16-17                            3.4                           8
17-20                            3.4                         10
20-23                            3.7                           0
23-26                            3.4                           8
26-28                            3.5                           3
28-30                            3.3                           0
Add Upper Body:
Do 2 sets of 8 push-ups to make this a total body workout.  Only takes 5 minutes!  Work up to 2 sets of 10, then 2 sets of 12.  Be sure to lower yourself slowly, and back up slowly.  Use your back, shoulder chest and arm muscles and keep them all tight.
If you can't do full body push-ups, start on your knees and make your goal to do them from the toes.

Minute                      Speed                   Incline
0-3                                3.0                           0
3-5                                3.4                           1
5-7                                3.5                           3
7-10                              3.7                           1
10-11                            3.4                           6
11-16                            3.6                           0
16-17                            3.4                           8
17-20                            3.4                         10
20-23                            3.7                           0
23-26                            3.4                           8
26-28                            3.5                           3
28-30                            3.3                           0
Add Upper Body:
Do 2 sets of 8 push-ups to make this a total body workout.  Only takes 5 minutes!  Work up to 2 sets of 10, then 2 sets of 12.  Be sure to lower yourself slowly, and back up slowly.  Use your back, shoulder chest and arm muscles and keep them all tight.
If you can't do full body push-ups, start on your knees and make your goal to do them from the toes.

Walk/Run Treadmill Routine
When your walking routine gets easy or you want to break the boredom, try this.  It will burn about 50 more calories than the walk-only routine by keeping your heart rate at a slightly higher level.
Minutes                   Speed               Incline
0-3       (Warm Up)          3.0                      0
3-6                              3.4                      3
6-8                              3.6                      3
8-9                              5.0   (jog)           1
9-10                            3.7                      2
10-12                          5.2  (jog)            1
12-14                          3.5                      6
14-17                          3.5                      8
17-19                          5.4  (run)            2
19-20                          5.6  (run)            0
20-22                          3.7                      6
22-25                          3.5                      3
25-28                          3.4                      2
28-30  (cool down)           3.3                      0


Note proper form.  When walking fast, bend arms at elbow and move arms in a natural motion for the pace you are walking.  Swinging arms at sides can slow you down.